概述:干净,现代和专业的证书模板. 完全可定制,易于使用和替换颜色 & 文本、图像容器是智能对象,可以方便地添加图像...
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JPEG Graphics & Graphic Design

视觉元素对于任何在线或离线项目都是至关重要的. 无论你的演讲是关于什么的,人们都习惯了明亮的宣传. 他们希望即使是最无聊的想法也能被完美地呈现出来, 今天的资源为它提供了一切现成的东西. 您可以在不同的市场上看到许多预打包的JPEG图形集. 还有很多免费的平面设计项目. So why would anyone spend money on premium products when you can download JPGs for free?

问题是,就像你的其他视觉效果一样, JPG文件有它们应该满足的特定标准. You can’t forget about it, even though there are many other more complicated file formats to use on your blog or corporate website. One can find many reasons to use JPEGs, but here are 2 points that matter the most.

  1. jpg适合任何主题,并且不会使项目的视觉外观过载. 通过使用它们,您可以确保观看者专注于内容.
  2. More importantly, these graphic elements are lightweight compared to PSDs and other popular image formats. 因此,你可以在任何网站上使用它们,并确保它运行得又好又快.

为什么你更喜欢jpg而不是其他文件格式? 谁需要它们,在什么地方可以使用jpeg? Let’s see!

What Is JPEG?

Joint Photographic Experts Group is one of the oldest and most popular digital file formats. Invented in 1992, JPEGs 由于可用性和舒适的压缩,仍然需要吗.

jpg在现代平面设计中被广泛使用,涵盖了所有可能的主题, including the following:

  • 商业、服务、公司 & startup,
  • 美,时尚,医药, & self-care,
  • 摄影、设计、开发 & education,
  • 娱乐、游戏、电子产品 & IT,
  • Children, charity & pets,
  • Art & Culture,
  • 食品、饮料、餐厅、咖啡馆 & delivery,
  • eCommerce & 创意项目等等.


As you can see, all up-to-date blogs, marketplaces, business, 个人网站使用JPEG文件作为其视觉内容. 这里有一些理由可以考虑在你的网页设计中使用jpg.

  1. They are highly portable. JPG文件是可压缩的,这使得它们很容易上传. 使用这种文件格式永远不会遇到麻烦. 它可以节省时间,并在网站上上传图片,而不会超载.
  2. 它们种类繁多,令人印象深刻. 现在,你可以很快在网上找到很多JPG图片. 这里有各种口味、各种主题的图片.
  3. 它们与任何东西都兼容. Another fact that makes this file format so comfortable is that JPGs are compatible with modern gadgets and software. 您不会在测试或更改文件格式上浪费时间.
  4. 他们有灵活的压缩. 有了它,人们可以根据自己的需要轻松地压缩图形.
  5. They have high resolution. JPEG graphics will make the best choice if you want to enrich the site design quickly and easily. jpg支持24位颜色,可以包括多达1600万种色调.


由于压缩布局, 人们可以在任何他们想要的地方使用jpg, 从一个登陆页到一个完整的多页网站. 它们涵盖了多个主题, 因此,您可以快速找到项目的博客, portfolio, eStore, and other online projects. Plus, most premium graphics come in several formats at once and have user-friendly settings. 它可以让你在几次点击中改变大小和颜色,并设计新的项目. Aside from main content illustrations, site owners use these images for backgrounds, borders, etc.

Because of its small size, JPEG allows storing plenty of pictures in small memory space. 这对企业主来说至关重要, service providers, 以及其他通过网站赚钱的人. 无论您需要上传多少图像,它都不会过载或变慢. And you can charmingly enrich the page's look with various frames and patterns that are also going to be floaty.


Working with JPGs won’t take much time, even if you have never edited a digital image before. However, 这个过程可以给你带来一些乐趣, 因为它开辟了新的方式来表达你的创造性个性. 你想要一些道路上的灵感吗? Check this video to see catchy examples on how to introduce your deal online with JPEGs.

JPEG Graphics Q&A


节省预算最简单的方法就是捆绑购买. You can look for JPG illustration sets or choose a multifunctional pack with all major file formats, including PND, ESP, SVG, PSD, and JPG. Such premium packages usually contain all the eye-catching visuals you might want to use, like background, patterns, buttons, icons, textures, frames, borders, etc. Another proven way to save good money is to search for subscription services that contain numerous 免费独家图片, like og体育首页ONE. 这个选项对网页设计师很有帮助, devs, marketers, social media experts, bloggers, YouTubers, business people, company owners, 以及其他经常需要高质量视觉内容的人


Before everything else, your choice should contain lossy and compressed image data but still look quality on the page. 高级JPEG图形易于调整大小和高度详细, 使图像看起来专业,即使压缩. Besides, 您可能还希望您的插图易于定制,具有可编辑的大小, colors, and other features. Look for graphics with ready-made color schemes if you're going to change the design in a few clicks. We also recommend you select products that allow full-fledged customization for a unique look. Plus, ensure the JPG illustrations you buy are ready-to-print and come as separate files with and without background.


jpeg是图像和图形打印最常用的文件格式. It has pixel-based, 轻松调整压缩水平,让您毫不费力地调整图片大小. 这就是为什么JPG图像是完美的任何打印项目类型, like posters, magazines, packaging, decorations, brochures, flyers, photo galleries, etc.


Thanks to its usability, JPG适合任何在线或离线项目, 从在线业务组合到派对装饰. 取决于所选项目, you can use it for a blog, online shop, website menu, social media banners, gallery, eBook, 在任何你想要添加明亮的视觉内容的地方. 大多数设计师和营销人员通常使用jpg来做演示和推广.g.,简报,简历,og体育,或PPT演示. 如果您选择可定制的项目, 你也可以设计新的网页, templates, 以及其他图形项目.


现在,很难想象一个网站的设计中没有jpg. 因此,如果您有一个站点,它很可能已经包含了一些JPEG元素. Still, it is always better to refresh your online presence with new, top-quality illustrations. 你可以用它们来做博客页面, projects, history, about us, catalog, menu, 和其他重要的站点部分. Elements in JPG file format are lightweight and offer a fantastic variety that makes them suitable for any page, 无论是网上商店还是生活方式博客.

How can I edit JPEGs?

不会有什么复杂的. 您可以像编辑其他图片一样编辑JPG文件. Photoshop, AI和所有其他相关的编辑工具都支持它. In case you want to change the image’s color or design, make sure it supports editing. All premium JPEG graphics include objects as different files, so you don’t need to worry about that.