Talnet -网吧HTML5网站模板
Impressive & Modern Internet Cafe HTML5 Website TemplateAn internet cafe HTML5 website template provides everything required for successful website development. 如今,拥有一个精心设计的...
Support: 4.4/5


和WordPress一起, the selection of themes includes packages compatible with the majority of content management systems, 比如WooCommerce, Landing Page, Joomla, Moto CMS, OpenCart, Magento, Shopify, and PrestaShop. 购买者可以根据自己的喜好和需要找到并购买样品. 分析你是否需要一个框架来建立一个网上商店, 希望推出一个单页的网站, 或者寻找一个更复杂的解决方案来介绍你的产品.



  1. Page builder. 预制布局让用户可以用最少的精力和时间构建和设计页面.
  2. Custom blocks. 模块是完全可编辑的,可以修改以满足每个客户的需求.
  3. Optimized code. 该功能提高了网站的速度.
  4. Drag&drop menu. 软件公司网站模板不需要任何额外的编程知识. 用户只需选择必要的项目并将其移动到菜单中.
  5. Bootstrap. 该组件使网站更快,更容易, 包含印刷, navigation, forms, tables, modals, buttons, image carousels, etc.
  6. SEO-friendly. 每个网站模板的软件公司是seo友好, 因此,搜索引擎会将在线项目作为相关结果的一部分显示出来. An intuitively easy-to-use interface lets you enjoy it and makes the shopping experience comfortable. Your customers will be able to navigate the site seamlessly, employing a user-friendly menu bar.
  7. Webforms. 软件网站模板包括邮寄服务,以维持公司的在线存在. 每个产品都有收集反馈和联系的机会. 您的消费者将私人信息放入相应的字段并将其发送给您.
  8. Compatibility. 软件开发网站模板可以在任何计算设备上打开:智能手机, tablets, laptops, etc. 机器代码适用于与Windows和Mac兼容的各种系统. 它可以在任何屏幕分辨率上运行. 甚至可以将社交媒体捆绑在一起. 在Facebook上发布故事、发送邀请、介绍商品.
  9. Latest CSS. 元素提供:
  • 锥形渐变创建一个有趣的视觉模式的范围,如形状, glossy surfaces, pie charts, 还有色轮;
  • 一致的宽高比,以保证响应式布局;
  • 提高页面呈现性能的内容可见性.


许多主题提供免费和高级软件包, 后者提供更多额外的工具和帮助台24/7的帮助. Owners can manage the access and permissions to process the template to different team members. 免费版只提供有限的机会来更改字体、大小和颜色.

支持语言. The samples are available in several languages; however, many forms offer support only in English.

Multipurpose. Software company website templates suit excellently different enterprises as they contain many modules and blocks, 让买家发现完全符合品牌需求的产品. 数十个预制模型,页眉和页脚节省您的时间.

Parallax. 该元素允许平滑和愉快地滚动. The effect makes the two-dimensional web page look like a 3D-Product due to the different speeds of showing content in fore- and background. 应用视频教程来管理这种特殊效果,使您的布局更加专业.


示例是专门为IT业务设计的, 技术创业, apps, Web开发机构. They suit many services with portfolio layouts enabling the owners to present their brands to uncomplicated clients.


Predesigned layouts turn the process of online page creation into a pleasant and uncomplicated activity. 五个简单的步骤将帮助你成为可见的网络:

  1. 找一个能体现你网站特点的域名. The domain name must be short, easy to remember, descriptive, clear of abbreviations and numbers. 您将与潜在客户和现有客户分享此链接,并在社交媒体上进行推广. 不要忘记检查这个名称是否可用,并通过域名注册商购买它.
  2. 选择一个web主机来放置供公众访问的页面. 您可以在共享主机和私有服务器之间进行选择, 这取决于你的经济能力.
  3. 一旦你支付了托管费用并设置了你的帐户,你就可以开始构建页面了. You can assign a team of designers and programmers to do it or buy a ready-made template suitable.
  4. 要获得预先开发的设计,请访问Templateog体育首页.
  5. 浏览适合您品牌的草稿并按“详细信息”按钮.
  6. 然后点击“添加到购物车”,继续结账.
  7. 表明您的卡数据,您将收到一条消息,鼓励您检查邮箱.
  8. 当你收到一封信时,点击链接. 如果你不是程序员也没问题.
  9. 安装主题后,您可以更改谷歌字体, colors, images, add plug-ins, web forms, 博客来定制它.

完成所需的修改后, publish the website via the control panel of your hosting account to make it visible to the audience.




  1. 进入主机帐户控制面板中的文件管理器
  2. 将以HTML格式保存的自定义模板上传到文件夹中.
  3. 检查网页是否在线.


当你购买免费模板时,你只有有限的工具和简单的设计选项. 有高级主题, 你得到了扩展的颜色集合, fonts, images, 还有一个个人支持经理来帮助你进行布局. 他们采用更多的签名和独特的风格.


Anybody who buys software samples can address any issues to the support team via live chat where team experts will answer you in several minutes. You can also leave your message through the contact form to register the question and inform the provider about your concern.

Do you have any payment plans where I can download several applications to my software company website template?

你可能会得到一个会员计划,如每年或终身付款. 有了订阅,你可以下载尽可能多的布局,直到它到期.


Check a helpful video about the most relevant design trends and use them in your software company website for the best results. Vivid colors, minimalism, 花哨的排版是适合任何机构的特点, 技术项目.